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During the COVID-19 crisis across all countries, the situation of students with disabilities has been one of the most critical due to the need for rapid and radical changes in already complex circumstances. Project SUCCESS ‒ “Supporting success for all – Universal Design Principles in Digital Learning for students with disabilities” ‒ aims to support teachers and caregivers who work with students during lockdowns, when digital tools and distance learning are the only media available for attending classes and interacting with peers. 

The project will provide guidelines and a self-paced online-course based on principles of Universal Design for Learning as well as an e-learning platform and a networking center that can support the work of teachers and caregivers whenever needed.

The project also conducts scientific research on needs of students with disabilities.

The project will address clusters of special needs (for instance automatic reading of texts on the screen) that are common for several categories of students that require accommodations, and not exclusively the students recognised by law as a “student with disability”.

The core project consortium consists of six institutions: research centers, universities, and an NGO, all representing five European countries: Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal. The consortium is strengthened by its associated partners: universities in Spain, pan-European GÉANT Association, and schools. See more here.

The SUCCESS project lasts from March 2021 to September 2023 thanks to the funding from the ERASMUS+ Programme under the agreement number 2020-1-PL01-KA226-SCH-095777.